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"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving power over what you don't." ~ Steve Maraboli
February 7, 2023
Hi Audie!
I recently sent a short survey to a number of people in my email community to get a sense of the type...
"Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Carl Brad
December 6, 2022
Hi Audie,
It's the beginning of December and a perfect time to reflect on 2022 and begin looking to 2023 with optimism and hope.
Think back to a...
"When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude."~ Anonymous
Hi Audie,
Welcome to November! It's hard to believe there's two months remaining in 2022 -- this year is flying by!
I love November as my favorite holiday is later this month...
"Don't be afraid to start over. This time you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience." ~ anonymous
Hi Audie,
I hope all is going well, and you're enjoying the beginning of Fall. I love the changing colors of the trees and cooler, less humid weather. But I'm not a big fan...
"There’s nothing quite as intense as the moment of clarity when you suddenly see what’s really possible for you.”
— Anonymous
Hi Audie,
Welcome to the March ’22 newsletter, my 25th monthly newsletter!
Whether you've been receiving my newsletters...
"The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Be patient and stay the course.” —Fabienne Fredrickson
Hi Audie,
I hope your year is off to a great start!
If you made some New Year’s resolutions, how are they going?
One of my...
"And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.”
— Unknown
Happy New Year, Audie!
I love new beginnings as they’re often filled with excitement and the anticipation, hope and vision of what the future will...
"Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances."
—Maya Angelou
Hi Audie,
As we step into December, it’s a perfect time to reflect on 2021 and begin looking to 2022 with optimism and hope for returning to a more normal life (whatever that is!),...
"Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there’s always something we could be grateful for."
—Barry Neil Kaufman
Hi Audie,
It’s the beginning of November and the autumn leaves...
Luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it.
—Denzel Washington
Hi Audie,
Welcome to the final stretch of 2021 — the last quarter! This often is the busiest time of the year at work, and if you are actively seeking your next position, it's no...
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
— Anonymous
Hi Audie,
I hope you and your families are continuing to enjoy your Summer. It’s hard to believe Labor Day is literally days away! As I often say — if the days go any faster, we’re...