How to Handle Uncertainty and Change Like A Pro

Feb 08, 2023

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving power over what you don't." ~ Steve Maraboli

February 7, 2023

Hi Audie!

I recently sent a short survey to a number of people in my email community to get a sense of the type of coaching programs you'd be interested in. If you were among those who responded to the survey -- THANK YOU! 🤗 You have no idea how helpful your input is/was!

An overwhelming number of you have a strong preference for 1:1 coaching (if you were to seek out job search coaching), and in second place is a strong interest in having a combination of a self-study, action-oriented curriculum with access to me via weekly group calls (for community, networking with like-minded professionals and support).

With that being said, I'm in the midst of creating my hybrid program, and will let you know when I'm ready to launch it. If you'd like to join my waitlist, you'll be THE FIRST to know ... and you'll have FIRST DIBS on joining my program at a special rate, with bonuses that won't be available to future cohorts, and much more!

Handling Change and Uncertainty Like A Pro!

We’ve all gone through changes in our lives — some by our own choosing and others, not so much. How we look at the situation and the way we respond can make all the difference in the world. From the perspective of seeking a new job, focus on the positive, envision what you want the end result to be, and take action on things you have control over.

If you've been downsized, while it's important to grieve the loss of a job (and possibly your identity) and the safety net of your income, it’s important to not take up residence there for too long. Seek out professional help from a career transition coach and/or therapist who have the credentials and proven experience to help guide and support you through this. I encourage you to take positive action, even if it’s one (small) step forward at a time.

Following are tips that will help you weather this storm and come out on top:

Tips for those of you currently in job transition (for the past 2 or more months)

If you've been actively searching for 2+ months, I hope:

  1. you're clear about what you’re looking to do next and the right environment that will set you up for success,
  2. you have an updated, strong and “forward facing” resume and enhanced LinkedIn profile,
  3. you're well-versed in your messaging and answering common interviewing and networking questions you’ll be asked,
  4. you're consistently acing interviews and are close to receiving offers,
  5. you're applying effective job search strategies and tapping into the hidden job market so you stand out from other candidates vs. spending more than 20% of your time applying to posted jobs.

If so, great!

If not and your search isn't consistently uncovering new opportunities for you or you're not moving on beyond the first or second interview with a company, do yourself a huge favor and schedule a complimentary consult with me. During our call, we'll discuss where you're at with your search, I'll share information on my coaching programs, and together we'll decide if we're a good fit to work together.


  • Stay visible and active in your search! Your job is finding a new position. Even if it means dialing back the number of hours each day to preserve your sanity and enjoy guilt-free downtime to re-energize and fill your soul, do yourself a favor and continue focusing on productive activities every weekday that will help move the needle forward in your search.
  • Even though we're hearing about companies who are experiencing massive layoffs, many companies are hiring, and they are hiring mid- to senior-level executives at income levels at or above their previous compensation for similar or better roles!
  • Think outside the box! Consider seeking out short-term, part-time consulting projects that will keep you productive, engaged and earning money, while still leaving plenty of time for you to conduct an effective and active job search. The project could lead to their creating a full-time position for you.
  • Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people. Minimize conversations with others who are “Debbie Downers” or “Negative Neds”. All the more reason to work with an experienced executive job search coach who has walked in your shoes, can relate to what you’re going through and how to change your situation for the better, and can guide, support and coach you with proven search strategies geared for executives seeking employment in today’s hiring climate.

Tips for those of you who are new to job search or soon-to-be in job transition

The saying “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?” is never more true than when you begin your job search. It’s important to gain clarity into what you want to do next and the type of company and environment you thrive in, etc.

Once you’re clear on what you want to do next (if you’re unsure, I can recommend an excellent career transition coach who is happy to help you 😉), you’ll then be able to create a strong resume and LinkedIn profile, and hone your messaging for networking and interviews, and begin executing an effective job search strategy.


  • Narrow your job search to 1 or 2 different paths. You’ll be able to stay focused, and, as a result, you’ll gain more traction and land a new position quicker.
  • If you’re a mid- to senior-level executive (the market I serve), take control over your search by leveraging and expanding your network, proactively reaching out to company executives at targeted companies, and establishing relationships with executive headhunters in your industry. Limit looking for positions online to no more than 10-15% of your time — anything more is generally a waste of your time and energy.
  • Being downsized takes a hit to one’s confidence and self-esteem. If you’ve been downsized due to corporate restructurings or M&A, new leadership or business downturns, please know that it usually has nothing to do with you and your performance. Your skills, abilities and the value you offer a company is no different today than before you were downsized. Internalize this as it’ll help you move forward with your head held high.
  • Friends and family can offer tremendous support, but it’s not always the ‘right’ support you’ll need to successfully land a new position in today’s climate. It’s competitive out there. Why not partner with someone who can guide and coach you with an effective and proven success path, support you through the ups and downs and the twists and turns that inevitably occur throughout the interview and job search process?
  • Read the tips/reminders listed in the first section. They also apply to new/soon-to-be mid- to senior-level executive job seekers!

In closing, I hope you've received a lot of value out of this month's newsletter. I'd love to know what your biggest take-away is. Reply to this email and let me know!

I'll be back in your Inbox next month with other valuable job search tips, strategies, mindset shifts and light bulb moments. 💡

To your career success,



P.S. WHO DO YOU KNOW WHO IS JUST BEGINNING or CURRENTLY SEEKING A NEW JOB? I would really appreciate your sharing this email with your network of mid- to late-career corporate leaders and executives you feel could benefit from it. Thank you for spreading the love!

P.P.S. If you are a mid- to late-career corporate leader who recognizes the value of working with a mentor/coach who will guide and support you through every step of your job search campaign, provide just-in-time answers to your burning questions, help strengthen your messaging so you get noticed, ace interviews, successfully negotiate your offer(s) and respond to various situations from a position of strength, and who wants the consistency, forward movement and accountability only a trusted and highly experienced job search coach can provide, let's talk!

I'd love to better understand your situation, explore how I can help you achieve your job search goals and see if there's a mutual fit. Click here to schedule a complimentary 40-minute strategy session.

P.P.P.S. If we haven't yet connected on LinkedIn, let's connect now!

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