5 Key Ways to Re-invigorate Your Job Search (or Kickstart Your Career Advancement)
Jun 01, 2021"Going back to the basics strengthens your foundation.”
Hi Audie,
Welcome to June! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of the Summer season. It’s so refreshing to hear outdoor venues will soon be opening up and wonderful to finally get together with friends and family you've haven't seen in well over a year. Personally speaking, I’d be lying if I didn’t say some tears have been shed and hugs lasted longer!
With life and business beginning to return to normal, it’s a perfect time to reflect and go back to some basics, especially as it relates to your career and, for those actively seeking your next opportunity, in your job search.
This month’s newsletter addresses 5 key ways to re-invigorate your job search or kickstart your career advancement so you stand out, get noticed, and ultimately achieve your goals.
Enjoy reading this month’s newsletter! I’d love to hear how you’re doing and also welcome your feedback, input, and suggestions on topics that would be of value to you in future newsletters. Please email me at [email protected].
Warm regards,
P.S. I invite you to share my newsletter with anyone you feel could benefit from receiving valuable content and insights specific to mid- to senior-level executive job seekers/career changers.
P.P.S. To learn more about Your Call To Action, LLC and how I help my clients go from being frustrated and struggling with their search, stuck in a toxic work environment or ready to take their career to the next level to feeling excited, valued and re-energized at work (and in their life) again, take a look around my website.
5 Key Ways to Re-invigorate Your Job Search (or Kickstart Your Career Advancement)
“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” —Michael Jordan
Throughout my career, I have used the beginning of June to reassess where I’m at vs. the objectives my company set (or the goals I’ve set for my business) as it gave me the opportunity to use the month of June to go back to the basics and double down to ensure I not only finished the 1st half of the year strong, but renewed my focus and momentum to ensure I finished the year at or above my goals.
If you are actively seeking your next role or considering looking for a new position inside/external to your current company, I encourage you to go back to basics and refocus on the job search efforts you have control over.
Following are 5 key ways to re-invigorate your job search (or kickstart your career advancement):
1. Gain clarity into what your ‘ideal’ next role looks like (or type of business, if pursuing self-employment)
If you’ve worked with me or have been reading my newsletters for any length of time, you’ve heard me talk about the importance of being clear about what your ‘ideal’ next role looks like before you begin your search.
The saying “If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?” is especially true when it comes to figuring out what’s next in your career. It’s important that you spend some time identifying the role and responsibilities you’re looking to do next, the type of company and team environment/culture you thrive in, the type of person you enjoy working for and making sure their management style aligns with what works best for you, and other key criteria that’s important to you (i.e. % travel, work from home, commute time, etc.)
If you’re not 100% clear, I encourage you to download this document and complete it before implementing the items below (and definitely before you start your search). You’ll be much more focused, thus saving you a ton of time and frustration as you conduct your search in the days/weeks to come.
2. Update your resume
Regardless of when you last updated your resume, take the time now to update it (and repeat every 6 months). Even if you’re not actively looking for a new position, you never know when an Executive Recruiter may reach out to you about an incredible opportunity. You want to be ready!
Several key areas to focus on when updating your resume include:
- Be sure your Summary section speaks to what you’re looking to do next (forward-thinking). Ensure it accurately reflects that you have the key skills, experience, and leadership capabilities for someone in the position for which you’re seeking.
- In the Experience section, be sure each of your roles include a brief description of your role and responsibilities (without using “Responsible for …”) along with a bulleted list detailing your accomplishments using as many metrics as you can.
❗️Tip: Start each sentence with action verbs. If you’re currently in this role, use present tense in the brief description and past tense for your accomplishment statements. If you’re no longer working at a company, use past tense throughout.
- Generally speaking, your resume should go back 15-20 years. There are exceptions and reasons to include positions prior to then, but those involved in the hiring process are typically looking at your more recent experience.
- Age-ism is real. If you’re in your 50s or 60s, you’ll want to ONLY go back 15-20 years, and remove the year you graduated from college and graduate school.
3. Update your LinkedIn profile
Once your resume is updated, you’ll then want to update your LinkedIn profile. The FIRST THING you’ll want to do is check your settings to make sure the setting “Share profile updates with your network” is set to NO. (Me ➡️ Privacy and Settings ➡️ Visibility ➡️ Visibility of your LinkedIn activity ➡️ Share profile updates with your network)
Several key areas to focus on when updating your LinkedIn profile include:
- Make sure you have a current, professional-looking headshot (smiling is good!)
- Replace LinkedIn’s standard background picture (that’s the larger rectangular image at the top of your profile) with one that reflects your profession, values, or the city you live in/near.
- Your headline is THE MOST VALUABLE REAL ESTATE on LinkedIn and you want to be sure it succinctly describes you and your areas of expertise. You want it to compel someone to reach out to you.
- If you are at the VP level and above, I highly recommend you DON’T add the LinkedIn banner that says you’re Open to Work or write Seeking New Opportunities in your headline (Why? It cheapens your brand). Instead, use the LinkedIn option that privately indicates to recruiters and headhunters you are open to opportunities.
- NOTE: If you’re still working and privately looking for a new position elsewhere, don’t change your headline. You want to fly under the radar!
- If you are at the VP level and above, I highly recommend you DON’T add the LinkedIn banner that says you’re Open to Work or write Seeking New Opportunities in your headline (Why? It cheapens your brand). Instead, use the LinkedIn option that privately indicates to recruiters and headhunters you are open to opportunities.
- Update your Summary, Experience, and Education sections to mirror your resume.
- If you haven’t secured any new Recommendations in the past year, ask some colleagues to write one for you (and offer to do the same for them).
4. Networking
I often hear my clients say “I know I should have done more of this, but I haven’t networked in years” or “I’m not comfortable networking.” I get it, but if there’s ever a time to network, it’s when you’re in job transition or if you’re feeling bored or unsettled in your current role and looking to make a change.
As I reflect on the hundreds of mid- to senior-level clients (Directors/VPs through C-level) I’ve worked with over the past 6 years, by far the vast majority landed their new position through their network (existing and expanding their network).
- Create a list of people you’ve worked with over the years who are well acquainted with your work ethic, expertise, leadership capabilities, etc. -- internal and external to the companies at which you’ve worked (i.e. clients, agency/business partners). Talk with them, pick their brain, ask for introductions. So much magic happens in a conversation, so do yourself a favor and don’t send an email blast!
5. Executive Recruiters/Headhunters
I previously indicated that the vast majority of my clients landed their next opportunity as a result of networking. The second-highest percentage of my clients found their new role as a result of working with Executive Recruiters/Headhunters (ER/HH).
- Create a list of ER/HHs you previously worked with and/or those you’ve used to hire key members of your team and then contact them.
- If you’re at a loss, ask your peers for recommendations (if you’re still working, be very selective about who you talk with as you want to be sure your conversation will be kept confidential) or create a list of the larger, more well-known and reputable ER/HH firms like Korn Ferry, Spencer Stuart, Heidrich & Struggles, etc. Then contact and set up a call with the Practice Manager overseeing your area of expertise. You’ll want to talk with them to make sure they represent the types of companies and positions you’re interested in.
🎉 BONUS: Regularly practice responses to common interview questions
I urge you to regularly practice your responses to common interview questions you may get asked. You want to be sure your responses are crisp and ready for unexpected calls from Executive Recruiters, Headhunters or individuals from hiring companies.
In today’s business climate, there's a lot of competition for key leadership roles at well-respected organizations. It’s imperative you have the right mindset, messaging and effective branding (resume and LinkedIn profile), are comfortable and confident with interviewing as a candidate (it’s different than being the interviewer), and are executing the most productive and effective executive-level job search strategies so you stand out, secure and successfully move through multiple rounds of interviews and receive and negotiate offer(s).
Through my programs and utilizing my proven and results-oriented methodology, I coach, guide, and support mid- to senior-level executives to successfully conduct an effective search and land a fabulous new position. I'm in their corner every step of the way, help them through the ups and downs of their search, and once they accept a new position, help them create a 90-day plan to ensure they get off to a great start in their new role and have some early wins.
In short, I equip coachable and motivated leaders and executives with the confidence, skills, strategies, verbiage and tools to stand out in a crowded and competitive field, highlight why they’re the right person for the position (without being salesy or boastful) and enable them to begin receiving offers and land their ideal new job/career in as soon as 90 days without struggle, frustration and overwhelm.
If this sounds like something you — or someone you know — could benefit from, let’s talk! Click here to schedule a complimentary 40-minute strategy call.
Prior to launching Your Call To Action, LLC in 2015, Audie spent over 30 years in technology sales and sales leadership roles working with C-Level and other key stakeholders at Fortune 1000 companies utilizing a consultative and value-based approach to addressing her clients' needs.
Due to the evolving nature of the technology industry, it was common to change companies due to M&A, new leadership coming in and bringing their own team, corporate restructurings, or as a way to advance one's career. Audie became very proficient — and successful — in landing multiple offers each time, and was frequently complimented on how she stood out (in a good way!) from other candidates throughout the interview process.
She leverages her business acumen, consultative and value-based approach to sales, and professional coach training (ICF Certified) in working with clients and delivering her proven methodology, strategies and tips for successfully landing a new position (after all, one needs to sell oneself, right?).
Audie is intuitive, nurturing, and compassionate yet firm—all of the qualities you should want in a coach. She is your accountability partner with a focus on helping you get real results ... and you’ll also have fun along the way!
Want to learn more? Click here to book a Complimentary Strategy Session.